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今後状況に変化がございましたら直ちにお客様へお知らせ致します。日頃のお客様の変わらぬご愛顧に感謝申し上げます。どうかお体にお気をつけてお過ごし下さいませ。   敬具


SMA Solar Technology AG 」




Dear Valued Customer,

We want to take this opportunity to inform you on the impact of Covid-19 on our business. Fortunately to date this has been minimal.


Early in the unfolding of the global Corona pandemic, SMA took comprehensive and stringent measures that went beyond those mandated by the authorities. Therefore, unlike some other manufacturing organizations in Germany, we have been able to keep our production up and running to this day. Furthermore, our well-established practice and infrastructure to communicate remotely via video and telephone conferencing, has put us in a strong position to maintain efficient, ongoing communication internally and with our customers worldwide.


For our Home & Business segment, there’s good news on supplier side – capacity in China for component and product supply is back up to almost 100% and in some cases even above that in order to make up for the losses of recent months. Component shortages are not burdening us in any significant way. We are also well positioned regarding freight logistics due to prescient planning and management. We expect to make up most of volume shortages by the end of April 2020 .


There’s more good news for our Large Scale segment. The integration in Italy has been declared as “system relevant” and is currently working at slightly reduced capacity as mandated by the authorities. Further information and updates will be provided by the responsible Customer Project Manager. In line with our Home & Business segment, production in our German plants is currently running as usual. Material supply and logistics are being closely monitored and well managed to continue to ensure operation at maximum output.


We will stay in touch and keep you up to date should the situation change. Until then, we thank you for your continued loyalty and support.

Stay healthy and take care of yourself.


Yours sincerely

SMA Solar Technology AG